
Showing posts from September, 2020

Hey Asshole...

  Note to self, stop parking like an asshole. It started one crowded holiday weekend morning, the parking lots were near full by 8:30am and people were panicking in a slow roll past filled spots, unsure how to start their beachday if they couldn't put their large piece of metal somewhere nearby. Or did it start when I got the home from the crowded beach morning, proud to have parallel parked in a tight spot right in front of my apartment? I atually wasn't sure how it started. On the next leg of my day, a section where I was driving to a nice peaceful paddleboard location,  I saw a small note facing me on my windshield. Hey Asshole... I couldn't make out the rest of the note because I was driving and it was tucked into the wiper blades, but made out the words "asshole" and "parking" fairly clearly. At first I was offended, who had time and motivation to hand write a note for me on a Saturday morning? Not only did they call me out for my parking, but they ...